11 May 2024

1st initiative in the 50 years of Portuguese architecture commemorations programme

On 11 May, at 5pm, at São Bento Metro Station, it will take place the first initiative of "O que Faz Falta*. 50 years of Portuguese Architecture in Democracy", the programme to commemorate architecture's contribution to the country's democratisation process.
This programme includes a wide range of activities conceived by Nuno Sampaio and Jorge Figueira, including the exhibition of the same name curated by Jorge Figueira (coordinator) and Ana Neiva (assistant curator), which will open in October at Casa da Arquitectura, as well as a book with 50 emblematic works, texts and other contributions from various sectors of society on this process.

The first event proposes a conversation aimed at celebrating 25 April 1974 as an event that, in several decisive stages, made it possible to establish democracy in the public space. Consolidating architecture as an active participant in Portuguese culture, both nationally and internationally, from rehabilitation to housing, public space and mobility, of which the Porto Metro is an example, the question is, "What's Missing?"

This is a first reading of the collection "50 years of Contemporary Portuguese Architecture", a collection created by Casa da Arquitectura on the production of architecture in the democratic period, with the aim of creating a collection with a territorial and temporal focus. João Belo Rodeia, Ricardo Carvalho and Graça Correia worked on post-25 April architecture (1974-1999) and Jorge Figueira, Paula Melâneo and Carlos Machado e Moura on the rest of the period up to the present day.

The session is free to attend.

11th May, 17h00
São Bento Metro Station

Opening Ceremony
Nuno Sampaio, Executive Director of Casa da Arquitectura

Opening speeches
Luísa Salgueiro, President of the National Association of Municipalities
Pedro Baganha, Councillor for Urbanism and Public Space and Housing at Porto City Council

Talk "What's missing?
Álvaro Domingues
Helena Roseta
Pedro Baía
Jorge Figueira


Geographer, PhD in Human Geography and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, FAUP, in the Integrated Master's and PhD courses, and researcher at CEAU, FAUP's Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies. Among other works, he is the author of: Paisagem Portuguesa (FFMS, Lisbon, with Duarte Belo), Portugal Possível (Museu da Paisagem, Lisbon, with Duarte Belo and Rui Lage), Paisagens Transgénicas (Museu da Paisagem 2021), Volta a Portugal (Contraponto, Lisbon, 2017), Território Casa Comum (with N. Travasso, FAUP, Porto, 2015), A Rua da Estrada (Dafne, Porto, 2010), Vida no Campo (Dafne, Porto, 2012) and Políticas Urbanas I e II (with N. Portas and J. Cabral, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 2003 and 2011), City and Democracy (Argumentum, Lisbon, 2006). He is a corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. He writes for the Público newspaper.


Helena Roseta was born in Lisbon in 1947. She is an architect and has three daughters and seven grandchildren. She was a constituent and a member of parliament for several terms. She has chaired the Cascais city council, the Order of Architects and the Lisbon municipal assembly, where she was also a housing councillor.
councillor for housing. She proposed and pushed through the basic housing law in 2019.
She was the manager of Botequim de Natália Correia and responsible for the writer's estate. In 2001 she published "Os dois lados do espelho". During the pandemic and until 2023, she coordinated the Healthy Neighbourhoods Programme, which supported vulnerable communities in improving their living conditions and habitat.


Architect graduated in 2005 from the Department of Architecture at the University of Coimbra and received his PhD in Theory and History of Architecture from the same university in 2014. Visiting assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto and at the Department of Architecture of the Autonomous University of Lisbon. Researcher at the Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. Founder and director of Circo de Ideias, a cultural association where he has coordinated various editions, conferences and exhibition projects since 2008. Member of the editorial board of Jornal Arquitectos (2022/2025). Member of the board of the Portuguese section of AICA - International Association of Art Critics (2021-2024).

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